While I understand the issues of press freedom, AP is decidedly anti-Israel and their reach is substantial. If you look at their published articles, there's usually an Arab and a Jewish journalist who 'publish' together and I'm convinced that the Jewish journalist's name is there to provide cover for their anti-Israel perspective. In fact the San Mateo Daily Journal routinely publishes their anti-Israel articles and when I tackled the editor about it and asked why his articles were consistently anti-Israel because of AP's writing, he said that's the only one they could afford. This was immediately after October 7. So my point is don't give AP a free pass. They're as bad as Al Jazeera, and perhaps worse because you don't suspect them.

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I believe that if Israel used the criteria of which ones support Israel, showing a balanced view, vs. those that do not.... there would be almost no international media reporting from Israel. All used runners, mostly working for Hamas, in Gaza to record the images and videos. Thanks for your letter writing efforts...

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