Jun 30Liked by Eric Sirkin

Interesting perspective as always, Eric. I also enjoyed reading about your experience with Senator Fetterman.

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Jul 2Liked by Eric Sirkin

In a great many ways, Senator Fetterman is not a typical politician by any definition. He is inspiring in his honesty and commitment to serve ALL his constituents (so... very progressive in many ways) while at the same time exhibiting down-to-Earth pragmatic (less ideological) attitudes and actions about getting things done, esp wrt Foreign Affairs. I sent him a small campaign contribution when he was running for Senator. I am pleased with that decision and will contribute again when he is up for reelection.

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He struck me as a man who sees himself fighting for those from former "industrial" Pennsylvania. Manual labor, who are seeing their jobs move abroad. In a way, he is the "traditional" Democrat, supporting labor. Most of the Democratic Party moved away from that, leaving Trump to appeal to those disenfranchised.... sigh...

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Agreed. That is what I meant by "... commitment to serve ALL his constituents" -- While it is not the sole cause of the shift in the Democratic Party, the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in 2010 opened the floodgates... now the only source of BIG money that nowadays determines the outcome of elections, at least close elections, is from the ultra-rich and corporations. The voice (influence) of your "traditional" Democrat is being drowned out (and not being paid attention to).

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