The Zach Fox video is very disheartening.... but would anyone "on the street" really admit to the opposite views and risk backlash (or harm) from Hamas?? Still, the disinformation that has been part of the "education" of West Bank Palestinians is sadly very apparent.

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I know that what you heard is not what you "wanted" to hear, but that is the reality. After 75 years these Palestinian Arabs still think they can throw the Jews into the sea. They are encouraged to think this by what they hear from European Leaders, University Campuses, etc. This has been the situation since before the founding of the state of Israel. The idea that the Jews could have a state is against everything they believe and learn in school. Hamas enjoys serious support from more than 75% of the population who believe that what they did on October 7 was justified... and most of them believe that Israel fabricated the whole thing just so they could invade Gaza. This is the truth and reality of the situation....

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I guess the question remains.... How do we empower the 25% who do not believe that what Hamas did Oct 7 was justified. -- What I had meant with my comment is that the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist "education" is obviously very effective, just as the Fox (Faux) "News" is in the US. If fed a series of lies long enough, the truth appears to be a lie. It is a vicious education (news) cycle that repeats itself at different times and different locations, with negative outcomes always.

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I do not think that Fox News is the right analogy. I honestly don't watch cable network news at all so I can't comment from first hand experience. But, here is a real story. My wife was riding a bus several years ago when the riders noticed an Arab man getting on the bus. It was right after a horrific terror attack. A couple of the passengers started verbally unloading on this man their anger. My wife, by coincidence, got off at the same stop. He turned to my wife and said "You are Jewish, right?". After replying yes, he continued "If you learned in our schools and watched our TV, read our papers, etc. you would get a knife and kill Jews too."

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What a sad story about your wife, and (returning to a word I used at the top of our exchange) a very disheartening situation. I don't watch Fox News (or any of the even more conspiracy-based far right news (aka propaganda) outlets), but they do put serious blinders on their viewers and listeners, folks who have no other news in their lives. -- I attribute the ongoing decline in representative democracy in the US to two nation-wide decisions, the loss of the Fairness Doctrine (1987; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairness_doctrine) and the Citizens United decision of the Supremes (2010; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC).

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